Tuesday, November 18, 2008

New Harmony, Utah- Our Favorite Vacation Spot

So it's been a whle since I have actually blogged our life! Well, here it goes a month worth of activities summed up.

For my brother Kenny's BIG 40 birthday our whole family went to there house in New Harmony to "visit". It happened to be New Harmony's Apple Festival that weekend! It was so adorable they had face painting, games and jump houses and slides. My most favorite part was the apple pie eating contest. Madison with all her cousins decided to do it. Our very own little Hailey bug won . . . can you believe it! She beat out Micha and Ian for the VICTORY! I can't tell you how proud us girls were of her. Madison said after she finied her big slice of pie that she was so sick she couldn't eat another bite. That didn't stop her though from the cotton candy the Young Women were selling. They divided the groups of pie eaters and it was the big boys turn. Poor things it was snowing so hard when they were eating I'm retty sure you can se in the pictures below. Well, none of our boys won but they were amazing anyways. It snowed so hard that day, but it was beautiful. When we have the opportunity to visit our family and enjoy the beautiful views of our Heavenly Fathers creations it makes me appreciate this world he has given us. So, I have decided to do my part in trying to "SAVE THE WORLD" one step at a time (don't ask I am not giving up the Tahoe though). Enjoy the slideshow off our weekend (Oct. 10-12).


jessenpetty said...

YOU GUYS HAVE A BLOG??!! I guess I missed the memo! HA HA! Just kidding! You even have our blog! Tell me these things in the future so that I don't look more like a fool than I already do...okay?! Okay, seriously, totally love you guys! See you at church!

ps. I'm putting you on my blog and no I am not asking for permission! Hee Hee!

Martin Family said...

No worries Shannon! I am not an avid blogger. It just helps us keep in touch with Kenny's family that live far away and to show everyone how crazy I really am :) hahaha